Oust Harassers from NAS

Please consider signing the Change.org petition petition to oust members of The National Academy of Sciences found guilty of sexual harassment, assault or retaliation.

From The Washington Post:

BethAnn McLaughlin, an assistant professor of neurology at Vanderbilt University, last month launched a petition urging the academies to revoke the membership of anyone found guilty of harassment, assault or retaliation. She voiced little faith that National Academy of Sciences President Marcia McNutt will act on the recommendations.

“For McNutt not to have cleaned house is offensive to me as a woman,” McLaughlin said. “And it certainly undermines the credibility of the National Academy to implement meaningful change.”

From ASBMB Today

To McLaughlin, the disconnect between the National Academies’ sexual harassment report and the science academy’s retention of members who have been found guilty of sexual assault, harassment and retaliation was unacceptable.

“It’s such a bad look for our most prestigious academies to have these predators … still in places of honor,” said McLaughlin, noting five other known serial harassers who have lost their jobs over their actions but still enjoy lifetime membership in the NAS. Her efforts intensified after reports alleged that NAS member Francisco Ayala, who resigned from the University of California−Irvine after a harassment finding, had discussed openly the ease with which a single NAS member can blackball nominees.