My Name is Rogue

adult alone anxious black and white

A colleague tried to insist that Rogue sleep with him to prove she wasn’t gay. Rogue fears her daughter might be confronted with the same types of experiences. Rogue declined to provide a photo. Photo by Kat Jayne on

My Worst Moment: When a colleague tried to insist that I sleep with him to prove I wasn’t gay. In public, in front of other colleagues and students.

I Have Given Up On: Not much, to be honest. Fuck ‘em.

I’m Afraid: That my daughter might be confronted with the same shit I had to deal with.

This Has Cost Me: I got the hell out of that job/university placement into a different one, which paid better etc. Have been very careful and protective of my students (grad and undergrad) and don’t let them get in situations like this if I can help it.

rogueSomething You Should Know About Me: Grew up in a very rural small town, hate conflict, tend to take things too personally.

Is There a Bright Side: I’m a full professor, president of my (big) professional society, considered a big deal. I’m at a R1 but low status university. Don’t let where you land determine what you aspire to do.

My Fight Song: Tub thumping “When I fall down, I get up again…”

Secret Weapon: Dogged determination. I know from my background I’m disadvantaged. Wanted to nonetheless prove I could “play.”