My name is Kate

I am one of several women at ONE conference (Multiply that by alllll conferences he attends). My name is not Kate.


My Worst Moment: I met a very “prestigious” man at the NIH at a conference. After chatting briefly, he excused himself to the restroom and drunkenly told my colleague (who he didn’t know knew me) that he was going to have sex with me and my female colleague (This was a social event where nearly everyone had drinks). It never would have happened. But. I also never would have known he was bragging about “me” if this colleague didn’t tell me. How unknowingly embarrassing it’d be for my entire field to assume I slept with this “higher up” for my personal gain. I steer clear at every conference I see him at. I also clearly remember hearing him say “what happens at [conference] stays at [conference].” He’s married with kids. And abusing his power at the NIH.

I Have Given Up On: Trusting many “respected” men in science.

I’m Afraid: False rumors will ruin my career.

This Has Cost Me: Emotional health is priceless.

Something You Should Know About Me: I’ve met more abusive, discriminatory, predatory men than I can even believe. And I’m not that old. I can only imagine how many more I’ll encounter in my career during my lifetime.


Kate met a very “prestigious” man at the NIH at a conference. He drunkenly told a colleague he would be having sex with Kate and her female colleague. Kate declined to provide a photo.

Is There a Bright Side: People are finally standing up and making noise about this issue. Maybe we don’t have to wait for “this generation of white men to die” before something changes.